... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Grace Transformation (1)

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When we’re travelling through uncomfortable, difficult, tragic or frightening times, what we really want to do, is to get out of that place as quickly as possible. But God … well, all too often, He has different plans! Why? Because He wants us to experience the transformation that comes when we experience His grace in those places. Think of it, as a grace transformation. Join Berni Dymet this week as we get down and dirty in those dark places, and take a look at what’s going on – from A Different Perspective!

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The Power to Change

They say that old habits die hard. It’s true and it’s even truer about bad habits. Have you noticed how difficult it is to get rid of bad habits? Some, me included; some would say …

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Episode 2. But Now …

In everybody’s life there comes a turning point. Things have been going on the same and the same and the same then all of a sudden God steps in. Not all of us accept Him of course but there is …

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Episode 3. You Are Redeemed

Anybody who has ever come to the conclusion that they’ve made such a mess of their lives that nobody or nothing could ever, ever, ever make things better, anybody who’s ever been in that …

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Episode 4. You Are Precious

I wonder if you can think of the most precious person in your life, just picture their face. If that person, the one that means more to you than just about anyone else in your life, if that person …

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Episode 5. Do Not Fear

There’s always a tense period between the moment when disaster strikes in our lives and the moment when God starts to set things right. Now we’d like to believe that He’s going to …

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