... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Wisdom To Transform Your Life (1)

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There’s probably not a single person on this planet who doesn’t want to be wise. But there are a couple of problems with this whole wisdom thing. Firstly, it’s not always that easy to tell the difference between true wisdom, and its imposters. And secondly, the getting of wisdom … well, often it only comes with pain and sacrifice. So … do you still want to be wise?

In this series, Berni Dymet unpacks the whole idea of godly, life–changing wisdom … from a different perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. A Different Kind of Wisdom

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Wisdom. It’s something that we all want and yet, in each one of us, there’s a stubbornness, a resistance to the changes that the getting of wisdom demands. Maybe that’s why we keep making the …

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Episode 2. Yearning for Wisdom

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Wisdom is something that we would all like to have. I don’t know a single person who, if asked, wouldn’t want to be wise. But I wonder how high it is on our priority list of desires. I wonder …

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Episode 3. The Getting of Wisdom

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It’s all well and good to talk about God’s Wisdom. We can talk about the theory all day long. But in day to day life, in your life, in my life, the theory just doesn’t cut it. What we need is …

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Episode 4. Dealing with Hardness of Heart

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Pride and hardness of heart go hand in hand. Pride is the enemy of humility. And pride … pride stops us from laying hold of God’s wisdom, which causes us pain and in turn, hardens our hearts. …

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Episode 5. Wisdom from Above

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As much as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, it seems that the same is true of wisdom. What’s wise from where I sit, may not appear wise from where you sit. So … what does wisdom, real …

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