... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: How to Live an Extraordinary Life (Pt 1)

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Let’s face it, we only get one crack at living our lives on this earth. Before you know it, it’s over. So why waste it? I mean … we can live an ordinary life. A safe life. A life where we don’t take too many risks, give too much away. “I’ve tried that” says Berni Dymet, CEO of Christianityworks, “and it’s dull, it’s boring and very unsatisfying.” So … what’s the alternative to an ordinary life? Well, an extraordinary life of course.

So join Berni Dymet this weeks as he follows Jesus around on the dusty roads of 1st Century Israel, to discover just one thing. How to live an extraordinary life.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Why We Need a Role Model

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Let’s face it, we all model our lives on something … or on someone.  We just do. The sad thing is when we pick the wrong role model, it can take us in a terribly wrong direction. So where do we …

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Episode 2. A Rocky Start in Life

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Question – are you living an extraordinary life? A life that really counts for something … or not? And if not, why not? Well one of the reasons sometimes is that the things of the past are …

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Episode 3. A Life of Submission

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By and large most of us don’t have a problem with authority … most of the time. Until we disagree with the person who’s in authority over us. Then it’s a problem. And yet learning to submit …

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Episode 4. Being a Team Player

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Other people can be such a pain in the neck sometimes. Well, it’s true isn’t it? They can. So the temptation is to go it alone, do things ourselves. Pride sets in – you know what I’m talking …

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Episode 5. A Job to Do

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Living an extraordinary life is about … it’s about having a positive impact in this world, in other people’s lives. IT’s challenging, but satisfying. So why do some people live extraordinary …

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