... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Press Into God

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Psalm 9:9-10 Many people are suffering—crushed by the weight of their troubles. But the LORD is a refuge for them, a safe place they can run to. LORD, those who know your name come to you for protection. And when they come, you do not leave them without help.

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Okay, so you’re out there slogging away, working your little heart out trying to live a good life – trying to meet everyone’s expectations, trying, if you’re so inclined, to live up to God’s expectations.

Well, that’s great. That’s as it should be. Yesterday, if you were able to join me, we chatted about the fact that sometimes, even when every fibre of your being is screaming at you to give up, you just have to step up, step out, put one foot in front of the other, and get on with what God’s calling you to do in life. But no one ever said you had to go it alone. In fact …

Psalm 9:9-10 Many people are suffering—crushed by the weight of their troubles. But the LORD is a refuge for them, a safe place they can run to. LORD, those who know your name come to you for protection. And when they come, you do not leave them without help.

I don’t quite know how you feel about that, but that makes my spirit soar. That lifts my eyes from staring down at my feet as I slog away each day to gazing upon the very majesty of this God who, in the very moment that I’m being crushed by the weight of my troubles, opens the door so that I can run to Him – the Creator of the Universe –  for safety, for encouragement, for protection.

Can we just take a deep breath together and allow that to sink in. God is here with you. His door is wide open … to you! And when you come to Him, you will not leave without His help!

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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