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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Seek and Ye Shall Find

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Deteronomy 4:29 But there in these other lands you will look for the Lord your God. And if you look for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.

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Okay, so how serious are you about your faith in Jesus, about having a personal, intimate, powerful relationship with Him? Is that something that you desire with all your heart, or have you chosen to settle for something less?

Prayer is such a strange thing when you think about it. I mean, it’s based on this notion that you can talk with someone whom you can’t really see or hear – at least not in the same way that we see and hear the people around us, right?

Sometimes we pray out loud, other times in our heads … so can God read our thoughts too? And after all, who are we praying to? This God … who is He?

Sometimes it feels like we go looking for someone – God – but do we ever find Him? And where should we go looking for Him in the first place? Those are all really good questions.

But undeniably, there’s something inside us, something that nevertheless causes us to go looking for Him, to reach out in the hope of finding Him. Maybe we’ve been created to go looking, to find Him, to know Him. And yet, some never seem to get there. Why is that?

Deuteronomy 4:29 But there in these other lands you will look for the Lord your God. And if you look for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.

Why do some people never seem to be able to find God, to apprehend Him in their own experience, to be overwhelmed by His Presence? With all that I am, I believe it’s because they don’t go looking for Him with an intensity of desire, with everything fibre of their being.

Listen again: if you look for him with all your heart and soul, you will find Him. That’s the promise.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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