... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

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2 तीमुथियुस 3:12,13 पर जितने मसीह यीशु में भक्ति के साथ जीवन बिताना चाहते हैं वे सब सताए जाएंगे। और दुष्ट, और बहकाने वाले धोखा देते हुए, और धोखा खाते हुए, बिगड़ते चले जाएंगे।

Just at the moment, many of those who believe in Jesus are feeling what I call “the big squeeze”. It just feels like the militant forces in society that oppose the gospel have mobilised like never before.

Have you been feeling that too? And honestly, as we see governments enacting legislation to limit religious freedoms, as we see those militant forces of evil becoming more vocal, more aggressive in “jamming”, shutting down the Christian voice … it can feel as though they’re winning.

There’s this thing that rises up in us that goes something like this: It shouldn’t be this way! If God is the King of kings, why isn’t He doing something about this? Why do I feel so persecuted for my faith?

Depending on where you live, perhaps there’s nothing new in any of this. Or, if like me, you live in a place that’s historically encouraged and accepted the Christian voice, maybe this rising tide of persecution comes as a shock … hence, that feeling of “the big squeeze”.

But it shouldn’t come as any surprise at all. As Paul wrote to Timothy two thousand years ago:

2 Timothy 3:12,13 Everyone who wants to live showing true devotion to God in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. People who are evil and cheat others will become worse and worse. They will fool others, but they will also be fooling themselves.

Did you pick that? “Everyone” – no exceptions. If you’re devoted to Christ, you will be persecuted – and that bit about things becoming worse and worse … sure feels that way, doesn’t it?

But here’s the good news. Those evil people … they’re kidding themselves. Remember, your King is still on His throne.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.