... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks
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Your FREE Booklet – “Eliminating Stubborn Sin Once and For All”

Discover how to eliminate stubborn sin – once and for all.

Pretty much each one of us has one particular sin – a stubborn sin – that keeps coming back again and again, no matter how much we try to get rid of it in our lives. In fact, the more we try, the more we fail! So what most people do is they just give up. “Oh well, I’ll just have to live with it I guess”. So believing in Jesus as they do, they simply live with the pain and the consequences of their sin.

But that’s not why Jesus died and rose again! He came to set us free – free from every sin that would rob us of the abundant life He has planned for us. And that is what Christianityworks latest booklet is all about. It’s called:

Eliminating Stubborn Sin Once and For All

And we would absolutely love to send you your very own FREE copy to help you live a new transformed life in Christ.

So to request yours, just complete the the form below.

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